
Over the years three different choirs have developed, mostly serving each of our Sunday Masses. The choirs sometimes come together, for example at the Easter Vigil or for a Christmas Carol Service. Although each usually operate independently, any member of any choir is welcome to join the other choirs, whether for a one-off event or on a more permanent basis.

8:30 am Mass

This is the quietest Mass when a few voices lead the congregation hymns and the ordinary of the mass. More voices would be welcome.

10:30 am Mass

The main aim is to lead the singing during the Mass, using a combination of traditional and modern Church music. The intention is to enrich the worship and fruitfully add solemnity to the Liturgy, in the spirit of the season.

6.00 pm Mass

At this Mass the Sacred Heart Folk Group leads the congregation in the celebration of sacred liturgy. The group use a range of contemporary and some traditional music, according to the liturgy being celebrated. Rehearsal is before mass each week.