
There are a number of committees covering the management requirements of the Parish. These committees do not have any executive power but serve to provide the Parish Priest with assistance, advice, guidance and recommendations on a wide range of Parish needs.


Responsibilities include the preparation of budgets, monitoring of expenditure and income, keeping systems for the counting and recording of monies, promotion and management of the Gift Aid scheme, the presentation of regular financial statements to the Parish Priest, to the Parish Council and to parishioners and the submission of an annual report to the Archdiocese of Birmingham.

Parish Council

An elected body which meets on a regular basis to assist and co-operate with the Parish Priest in his pastoral care of the Parish. It has representatives from the various specific committees and groups and co-ordinates the views of the clergy and laity so as to facilitate communications throughout the Parish.

Parish Hall

Responsible for the day-to-day management of the hall including lettings, furniture, equipment, cleaning and security.

Repairs and Maintenance

Responsible for the implementation of a planned programme of repairs and maintenance as needed for the church, presbytery, hall and site within an annual budget recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Parish Priest.


This group aims to raise money and to develop the social life of the Parish through the organisation of activities and events and to seek sponsorship and donations where possible. More information is available on the Fundraising page.